
giantreign價格與詳細規格比較,共20筆。還有giantrincon、giantiguana、giante、giantrevmips、giantnrs。現貨推薦與歷史價格一站比價,全網最便宜都在BigGo!,供應中現貨Ssize年度2022車架ALUXXSL超輕量鋁合金Maestro160mm車架前避震器RockShox,29,MotionControl,170mm,MaxleStealth15x110Boost後避震器FoxFloat ...,The8thgenerationofReignGiantBicyclesishere.Discoverthechangestomaterials,suspensionandwheelsizethatm...

giant reign的價格推薦- 2025年3月

giant reign價格與詳細規格比較,共20筆。還有giant rincon、giant iguana、giant e、giant rev mips、giant nrs。現貨推薦與歷史價格一站比價,全網最便宜都在BigGo!


供應中 現貨S size 年度 2022 車架 ALUXX SL超輕量鋁合金Maestro160mm車架前避震器 RockShox, 29, Motion Control, 170mm, Maxle Stealth 15x110 Boost 後避震器 Fox Float ...

Reign Series

The 8th generation of Reign Giant Bicycles is here. Discover the changes to materials,suspension and wheel size that make this range of enduro racers king ...


Reign · 重點特色 · Aluxx SL Aluminum · Maestro Suspension · Advanced Forged Composite · Adjustable Enduro Geometry · Rear Wheel Swap · Boost Technology.

Reign Series

The Reign platform was initially introduced in 2005 as one of the first Giant mountain bikes to feature Maestro suspension. A lot has changed in the nearly ...

Reign 29 (2022) | Enduro 自行車

重點特色資訊 · Race-bred suspension · Progressive enduro geometry · 29er confidence and control. Larger 29-inch diameter wheels optimized to roll over rugged ...

Reign E+

全新REIGN E+ 具有更強大的電機、MAESTRO避震系統和Flip Chip可調節的幾何,適用於高性能ENDURO騎乘。這款全新E-Bike與Giant 職業賽車手共同開發,讓越野車手能夠征服 ...

Reign Adjustable Enduro Geometry

A new three-position flip chip gives riders the ability to adjust the geometry of the new Reign Advanced Pro and Reign to suit their riding style and ...

Reign Advanced Pro

Mainframe and rear swingarm crafted with high-performance grade raw carbon fiber and custom resin that's custom made in Giant's own composite factory.

reign giant - 自行車(交通工具) - 人氣推薦- 2025年3月

Giant Reign X2 捷安特MAESTRO 6.7 登山車MTB 26" 下坡車glory Anthem. 27,500. GIANT REIGN X1 18速xs 尺吋雙避震登山車捷安特可換車.